Flight of the wingless bird

Gently opening the eyes
To the world great and wide
Tall trees all around
Beauty and life abound
Wonder did the baby parrot
The feel of the soaring skies
Beat, it would it's tiny little wings
Dreamy of the time it would conquer the sky like kings

Grew the baby parrot handsome and tall
But the wings were arrogantly small
Flap and Flap it did
Run, jump and hop maximum it did skid

Shattered were the dreams
Lost were the reasons to live it seems
Ashamed it retreated deeper into the forest
Hide away from other birds mocking and to rest
The skies above lay unconquered
Leaping from tree canopy now was absurd

Little did the parrot know
It's birth would create ripples far and wide
Stories of the bird brought smiles
For it was unique precious little species that does not fly

Smile and behold the king of forest low
For the parrot is Kakapo

                                                                                                                              - Anant Deshwal

                                                                Kakapo  Note:  (Image was taken from http://ibc.lynxeds.com/)

Kakpo is a large flightless parrot that lives in New Zealand. It is critically endangered species with approximately 125 individuals left. They have been a victim of the invasive species such as domestic cat, rats etc. The bird is sometimes described as one that has forgotten that it has forgotten how to fly, especially due to the leaps it takes from branches. It is also called owl parrot and obviously nocturnal. It has loud booming call that can be heard from as far as 5 km away.

Scientific name: Strigops habroptila 



  1. Thank you so much for this post and for raising awareness! I had not heard of this bird before but now I am glad that I read your post. I hope that it was be saved! You have earned a new follower.

  2. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me! The population trend for this species is on rise as of now.


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