
Showing posts from February, 2014

The man who grew a forest!

This is the story of a man from India who defied the world! This is the story of  Jadav "Molai" Payeng, from Jorhat, Assam, North-eastern India. 1979 floods struck North-eastern India's Assam. However when the flood receded the large number of snakes that were washed on to the sandbar by the flood were stranded. The heat finally got to the stranded snakes! Jadav barely 16 then upon seeing the carnage, sat down and wept over lifeless forms of those reptiles. However for Jadav the story did not end there. He soon realized that the helpless snakes were victim of the missing tree / plant cover as they could not seek refuge in shade to escape heat.  He went on to alert the forest officials. He asked them if they could grow trees over the sandbar. He was told that nothing could grow on that sandbar and asked him if he could try and grow bamboo over there. Guess what! He did! He did it alone!  In his own words "It was painful, there was no one to help

Mother loves me more than you....

As kids I would often fight with my brother over the topic: Who was the favorite of our mother? It sounds kiddish, Now I would often pass those thoughts off laughing.  However the other day while I was walking down the memory lane and there were a few thoughts about conservation bouncing about in my head, the question struck me all over again...   The same question over which I fought with my brother. The same question that made me laugh and pass it off as kids passing obsession. The same question this time struck me with a force greater than that of a lighting bolt!    We humans are doing the same... We have taken the same question to a whole new level and dimension. Is it some weird obsession or some fanatic behavior.  Since ancient times we have considered Earth as our Mother. However we soon became fixated at the thought: Mother loves us (humans) more than her other children and hence her gifts are only for us and not for anyone else.     We started snatching t

Painted Rocks

With a heavy heart I woke up to the beautiful morning that lay ahead of me realizing that my stay in the Eastern Ghats, India was nearing an end. The memories will always remain etched in my mind. The snake rescue calls, the late night herping on the hilltops, early morning bird-watching, laying down on the hilltop and watching raptors circle all around you. Reticulated Gecko Drongo I was in the Eastern Ghats working with LORIS- The Biodiversity Conservation Society and we were researching on the behaviour and ecology of the four-horned antelope . Me and Suresh Jones, founder of the organization, used to sit and brain storm throughout the day. We both were obsessed with field trips and would often find an excuse of being out in the field. Bumblebee Early morning Suresh Jones asks me if I wanted to go and visit the rock paintings that were done ages ago. Surprise!!! Surprise!!! Next thing we knew, we were on road heading towards the rocks.  The sun was s


These are some images from web... They all talk about Conservation...  

The Journey You and I have taken so far....

What if you wake up one day only to realize that your most cherished dream was destroyed!  I see my dream of sustainability and conservation being destroyed bit by bit!  I see my mother, Earth writhe in pain and suffer everyday! I see the right to life- being snatched away I see myself die everyday, I see my mother-Earth shiver in dismay! We believe that World will take care of itself! The World is infinite  or  The World is enough for Everyone's need not greed!  How do we define Everyone? How do we differentiate between need and greed? If we look at the human population growth curve below, we find that the human population has exploded in recent times at an unprecedented rate! (Source: ) In 1960 there was a Scientific Paper published in "Science" : " Doomsday: Friday 13th November, A.D. 2026, at this rate human population will reach infinity if it grows as it has grown i