Mother loves me more than you....

As kids I would often fight with my brother over the topic:

Who was the favorite of our mother?

It sounds kiddish, Now I would often pass those thoughts off laughing. 

However the other day while I was walking down the memory lane and there were a few thoughts about conservation bouncing about in my head, the question struck me all over again...
  The same question over which I fought with my brother. The same question that made me laugh and pass it off as kids passing obsession. The same question this time struck me with a force greater than that of a lighting bolt!
   We humans are doing the same... We have taken the same question to a whole new level and dimension. Is it some weird obsession or some fanatic behavior. 

Since ancient times we have considered Earth as our Mother. However we soon became fixated at the thought: Mother loves us (humans) more than her other children and hence her gifts are only for us and not for anyone else. 
   We started snatching the gifts from her other children. We now wanted to ensure that we have the unparalleled and undivided attention and love from our mother. We killed her other sons and daughters. We killed our brothers and sisters! We headed towards setting an autocratic rule in our own family, we set out to rule our own brothers and sisters and we plundered the wealth of our mother. The need turned to greed to unquenchable thirst!

We have driven so many species to extinction in our mindless quest. We are at a continuous rate (not constant) pushing the remaining species to extinction.

Will we survive after we have finished plundering the natural wealth? 
Are we doing justice to our children and our grandchildren?

We all enjoy going out and listening to the waterfall. We all enjoy watching the beautiful fall colors, the chirping of the birds in spring. Lovers giving each other beautiful flowers to express their love.

What if there are no flowers left? What if there are no trees left for the fall colors? What if all the waterfalls dry up?

What legacy are we leaving behind for own kids? Congratulations! We have successfully plundered our Mother thinking that Mother loved us more.   


 Do we love our children? Do We?

Why are we snatching away the beauty of the nature from them? Why are we snatching what is rightfully there's from them?
We all love to believe that we are not causing any damage to the environment. There are those big factories that are causing the damage. The poachers are causing the damage. I go birdwatching, I appreciate nature, I am not causing any harm to nature.

We are!!! You and I, we both are culprits!

Our random consumerism! Is one big thing. We as consumers are the ones who are directly or indirectly causing the big factories to run. 
     We all love to decorate our house, that small ivory in shape of elephant looks cute and its so small that its ok, to have one. That ivory small or big was property of an elephant from whom we snatched it away and murdered it. Still want to keep it?
    We all go to shops and supermarkets to buy various stuff, how many of us (including me) carry our own bags and say no to poly bags? 
    How many of us purchase grocery and have atleast some percent of it wasted? 

How many of us?

It is the only planet we have. We cannot live without other life forms! We choose not acknowledge the fact that our survival depends on many other organisms that we driving to extinction. We are not invincible (it is not a challenge!), if all other living organisms go then we go to with them or more probably before them. 


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