The Journey You and I have taken so far....

What if you wake up one day only to realize that your most cherished dream was destroyed! 

I see my dream of sustainability and conservation being destroyed bit by bit! 
I see my mother, Earth writhe in pain and suffer everyday!
I see the right to life- being snatched away
I see myself die everyday,
I see my mother-Earth shiver in dismay!

We believe that World will take care of itself!
The World is infinite
The World is enough for Everyone's need not greed!

 How do we define Everyone? How do we differentiate between need and greed?

If we look at the human population growth curve below, we find that the human population has exploded in recent times at an unprecedented rate!

In 1960 there was a Scientific Paper published in "Science" : " Doomsday: Friday 13th November, A.D. 2026, at this rate human population will reach infinity if it grows as it has grown in last two millenia."

It was not any random future prediction, Heinz Von Foerster, Patricia M. Mora, lawrence W. Amiot studied and analyzed the growth rate of human population and then came out with this paper. The scarier part is that human population growth rate has only increased since then.

Where are we heading towards? 

How many humans can earth carry?

What if there is no more food? 

Here are a few facts about agriculture OR our source of food:
  •  1 in 7 people lack access to food or a chronically malnourished stemming from continued poverty and mounting food prices! 

  • Agriculture is now a dominant force behind many environmental threats including climate change, biodiversity loss and degradation of land and freshwater. 

  • Agriculture comprises 38% of Earth's ice free land -- the largest use of land on planet.
- ( Foley et. al., 2011, Solutions for cultivated planet, Nature, December, Vol. 000, p. 1-6.)

This is the situation right now! Our population is growing at a rate greater than exponential growth rate.
The food and related crisis is only going to get worse.
Human Population is already beyond the carrying capacity of Earth, we are standing on thin ice right now.

Current human population + Population growth rate + Global Climate Change  = ???

Now with human population above carrying capacity of Earth and still growing....

How do we define Sustainability???


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