Painted Rocks

With a heavy heart I woke up to the beautiful morning that lay ahead of me realizing that my stay in the Eastern Ghats, India was nearing an end. The memories will always remain etched in my mind. The snake rescue calls, the late night herping on the hilltops, early morning bird-watching, laying down on the hilltop and watching raptors circle all around you.

Reticulated Gecko


I was in the Eastern Ghats working with LORIS- The Biodiversity Conservation Society and we were researching on the behaviour and ecology of the four-horned antelope. Me and Suresh Jones, founder of the organization, used to sit and brain storm throughout the day. We both were obsessed with field trips and would often find an excuse of being out in the field.


Early morning Suresh Jones asks me if I wanted to go and visit the rock paintings that were done ages ago.

Surprise!!! Surprise!!! Next thing we knew, we were on road heading towards the rocks. 

The sun was strong and the winds howled all around us. Trekking through the thickets and unforgiving thorns of  Acacia caesia added to the nostalgic emotions running through me. Couple of hours later we arrived at the place that just took my breath away....


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