Jane's Journey

"If we are the most intellectual beings that has ever walked on the planet how come we are the only ones destroying that planet"
 -Dr. Jane Goodall

I have watched this documentary "Jane's Journey" based on life of Dr. Jane Goodall twice in two days and each time there was something new, strong passionate!

As a kid I grew up with news all around me 
  • Only 1311 Tigers left!
  • Elephants killed in an accident with train!
  • Rhinos being poached!
  • A leopard that strayed in a city- Killed!
I would become more and more desperate upon hearing such news. I would share my desperation with others but that only made it worse as everyone seemed to believe "it is inevitable that everything will be lost! We are all just trying to slow it down."

I would wonder often why? 

They say "We have not inherited Earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children" but borrowing means there is a pay back! We did not borrow we stole Earth from our children and are constantly doing so!

-- Dr. Jane Goodall

What good is going to come out of it? Does it matter if we slow down the rate at which we steal Earth and the future from our children?

It was not that I was not passionate, It was not that I had given up! 

With each passing day I grew more determined to be more effective as a conservationist! However I could only see darkness at the end of tunnel and I was becoming truly lost!

It was during SCCS conference in Bangalore, 2011 I heard for the first time that we just project the negative images and negative news when it comes to conservation, that creates desperation and people loose hope!

People give up! The strategy may backfire!

It was with this lingering thought I watched this Jane's journey and realized that it is indeed "HOPE" that can save the planet for if we give up hope we have already lost.

It is not that we act like Ostriches with their heads in sand! We need to be aware of the grim reality the situation but it is during this hour we should conjure the reason to hope, believe and to strive towards the dream - Life forever!

Many of us are unaware of the situation we are in, many of us believe that world is infinite but...

The link below talks about how human population has grown beyond the unimaginable leading to annihilation of mankind if we do not act now!

 Human Population growth and Nature and Economy

To be Contd...


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