Field trip North West Arkansas Audubon Society

 It was a beautiful morning, perfect day for birding! North West Arkansas Audubon Society field trip!

We had decided to go looking for the Brown-headed Nuthatch at Shores lakes- Fern. Later we were to go to Frog Bayou and look for the shorebirds along with various ducks that we could find over there. 

The row of binoculars carefully examining the canopy cover and suddenly turn east in a frenzy as the Brown-headed nuthatch would fly east and be lost again in the canopy of the short-leaf pine trees! Everyone was determined to have a good look at the bird. 
The spirit of a birder! While looking for our elusive bird, we would often hear an excited call- Look a pine warbler! and everyone would be lost in the beauty of the pine warbler. Pine warbler, Downy woodpecker, Hairy woodpecker, Northern flicker, Red-bellied, Water thrush, Turkey vulture, White-breasted nuthatch and Pileated woodpecker excitedly welcomed us to their abode! Driving over a stream, we were all in awe of the majesty of the Bald Eagle, that kept an eye on the river.


Finally after testing the patience and passion the Brown-headed nuthatch decided to show up.

                                                              Brown-headed Nuthatch

Satisfied we all decided to head over to Frog Bayou, where we were greeted by the Golden-plovers, Pectoral sandpipers and Killdeer. Harriers kept flying overhead making occasional dives at the shorebirds. Later on as we explored Frog Bayou we were in for a treat as we watched Franklin's gull, Ring-billed gull, Red breasted merganser, Cormorants, Blue-winged teal, Green-winged teal, Mallards, Gadwall, Great Egret, Blue heron, Red-tailed hawk, Broad shouldered hawk, Coopers hawk.
Ring-billed and Franklin's gull

Blue-winged Teal

Turkey Vulture

However the day was not over as we had another surprise awaiting us. We were to find the rare Graham's crayfish snake!

Photo: Good catch today, Anant! Graham's Crayfish Snake at Frog Bayou WMA. (Maybe get JD to double-check on this, but I think it is).
Graham's crayfish snake! (Pic credit: Joe Neal)


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