
The haunting song of the parched Earth
Eerie melody of no birth 
Long gone was the last drop of water
Only flameless air rising much hotter

Howled the forlorn wind
Serving the sentence but not sinned
For eons she cared for her love
Sometimes caressing his lustrous green grass and leaves above
Or tossing up sand, gently crafting sand dunes
Earth and wind in love singing life tunes
He loved her angry roaring storms
Her silken breeze and numerous other forms

Now she is desolate and in pain
For her love is dying or being slain
One of her child
Stabbed and tore open her love
Gold silver diamond and greed
Laying venomous foundations not  a live seed

Parched is he
                   Hungry is he
To see her world die
She is serving her sentence but not sinned

                                                                                                                    -Anant Deshwal


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